"The Built Environment" City/Town Organization "Haphazard" or "As needed" (no organization, just added on over time) "Oriented towards the landscape, or non-grid" "Grid layout" "Central/Circular layout"- hierarchy, whats in the center tends to be the most important thing! Topography -all major cities of the world are built on/near a body of water Green Space -can be organized (Central park) Transportation Networks (streets, subways, paths) -City defense! Building "Types" Commercial buildings- factories, where manufacturing takes place, office buildings, banks, markets/stores/shops Institutional- government buildings, schools, universities, libraries, hospitals, prisons, museums, stadiums, theaters, Monuments, leisure (theme parks) Religious buildings- "houses of gods", celebrating harvests, Leisure Residential buildings- individual, communal (apartments) Serpentes civilization is ...