Xenology Report- Serpentes

Humanoid population of Serpentes

Family Structure- what's a family? who are kin? what is marriage and its arrangement?
all individual foraging clans are considered families, and they treat each other as such (blood or not).
Each clan has at least two leaders- which are the eldest mated pair, which can be a same-sex relationship or heterosexual one, or a mix of both.
Family/clan structure normally has 6-8 members.
The mated m/f pair can have up to 3 young, clans prefer to have a controllable amount of mouths to feed, so a single birthing (m/f) pair per clan is common.
After young are born, all of the adults of the clan take up parenting duties, regardless of blood relation. This forms a strong familial bond with all members of the clan.

The concept of 'Marriage' is recognized by this culture, however it is a more private affair than a public one. Specifically, 'marriage' is a ceremony established when a pair/group of adult Serpentesians go off on their own for 3 full days to gather food, flowers, and other objects of their choosing to present as gifts to each other once they meet back up in a place of their choosing. This is viewed as a test of independence, and trust- for the individuals are risking their lives alone for their potential mate(s) with the chance of the other(s) never returning at all- either through deception, or loss of life.
Successful marriages of two are more Serpentesians leads to the establishment of a new clan, and they will (typically) remain together for life.
According to Serptentesian's religious beliefs, 'false marriages', or pairs that attempt to procreate before their 3 day treks alone and successfully meet back up, are cursed to be forever fatally unlucky. Whether it be disease, ambush from predators, or infertility, their relationship is "cursed" to end in misery.

Sexual Regulations: who can consent? what is incest?
Sexual consent is similar to that of humans, only adults can consent! As for the sexual preferences/relationships of the Serptentes people, it is found to be very fluid and open. Healthy sexual relationships can range from 2 to even 5 individuals, therefore polyamory is normalized on Serpentes.
Mating with direct blood kin is considered wrong, much like most Earth cultures. Due to this culture's nomadic traveling nature, there is a lot of mixing and mingling among different groups when it comes to finding mates, so incest is not necessary.

Food Preferences: These people are omnivorous, however they prefer to eat fruits, seeds, and flowering plants. As for protein sources, Serpentesians are skilled in the art of stealing eggs from all kinds of creatures, including the largest of predators.

Body decoration and clothing: Feathers of the planet's creatures are the main source of clothing for this civilization- nudity is not taboo because their sexual organs are not outwardly visible, and are covered by their thickly scaled skin. Despite this, clothing is useful for protection from sunlight, warmth during winter, and camouflage.
During winters, Serpentesians will create a large, thickly feathered blanket that works as a cover from snowfall, which they wear over their heads and huddle into as they travel together.
As for body decoration, Serpentesians wear headgear, necklaces, bracelets, and belts made from a range of objects- each with their own meanings that depict clan ranks/specialties.
For example, clan leader's headdresses will be adorned in the tail-feathers of the largest predator species. The sheer size and bright red coloring of the feathers shows their bravery and authority over the clan, thus presenting their rank.
Other ranks, such as the clan's 'warrior' rank (those who defend against predators/aggressors, and hunt when necessary) wear belts and bracelets decorated with the teeth of various kills.

Manners, holidays/celebrations/objects of worship, objects of status, objects of utility or function.

What do we need to know about the world views, assumptions, values, attitudes, etc. of your informants to evaluate their information and insights.

LOCAL INFORMANT: A female elder in a clan of 6, she is the clan's main crafter (a non-fighting rank usually given to elders, can be of any gender).
Her duties: As the clan crafter, she crafts and repairs all of the clans hunting supplies, weaponry, and clothing.
Because crafters are typically eldest, they tend to be very knowledgable about Serpentes traditions, as is this specific informant.
Her name is Azi

What is the life of an average Serpentesian like?
-She responds through a fancy microphone that repeats a translated message in your ear


Sexual Maturity


Old Age

Cultural Mapping
Describe the cultural map of your community. Draw it if you like.
Where are the important cultural sites? Where do groups gather and for what purposes?

Are there Sacred or Taboo areas? What is supposed to be there? What is there?

What are some of the important local holidays, rites, celebrations, ceremonies?

Describe a rite/celebration/ceremony that you attend.
A yearly celebration which is important in Serpentes culture is [insert name here], where all of the clans of the planet's main continental landmass, [insert name here] meet in one place, to share and trade the foods, pelts, and artifacts

Your Interest Rewarded
Your informant was impressed with the interest you showed in certain objects used during the event you recently witnessed. They offer to discuss certain aspects of the event you might not have understood. You gratefully accept the invitation.

The informant take you to a place where some of the objects sued or displayed at the event are stored/displayed. Someone is with them who is responsible for overseeing the objects. Describe the objects, the place they reside and the overseer.

The overseer says something to you that you don't understand. What is it that this person said?

Some time passes and one day, your informant comes to you and invites you to a social event.
You are glad to attend and at the event you notice that the group is not made up of the usual kin, clan, or family members with whom you frequently socialize.
Stories are told and one of the stories features one of the objects you saw recently displayed. Write down the story you heard.

Song and Dance
There was also a song that was about another of the objects, write the song as you remember it or recorded it )if you were allowed to record it)

There was also a dance, describe as much of it as you can remember.

At the end of this social occasion there is a special food and you are given something. What was the food and what were you given.

The next day your informant asks if you want to revisit the place the objects are kept. You say yes. When you go back to this place everything seems to be different. You know more about the objects and when the overseer of the objects, the same person as before, repeats what they said the last time, but you seem to understand it now. What new meaning do you see in the objects? What new understanding do you have of what the overseer said?
Record this in twine2 using the if/then coding of information on the appropriate pages.


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